Ann Corio's Methods of Raising Women's Attendance
Ann Corio also presented stripteasers as talented artists with no connection to prostitution. There was a negative stigma attached to burlesque dance in many women's minds. Burlesque performers were often associated with prostitution and other degrading careers. Her shows were done in a high quality manner that required the performers to be highly skilled. She also made sure there was always a historical, comical elements in every show. She did not want the entire show centered on the women stripping on stage. If the mind of audience members was stimulated throughout the show as well as the body, Corio felt it was successful.
Women began to realize that they could enjoy Burlesque too and that it was not just an art form for men to view. Theaters began to fill with couples and group of women began to flock to theaters. Ann Corio is responsible for the increase of female attendance and her methods spread throughout the Burlesque world. Once Corio planted the seed for women attendance, word of mouth took over.