Rhizome Experiment, Fall 2015

Black Twitter's Power in Media

Black Twitter is a platform of social networking that provides support, connection, and identity to the black community. The power of white supremacy in society stimulated its development. Specifically, it was the death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer and racial profiling of Brown as a possible gang member in the media. The event of Michael Brown sparked activism through the social platform of Black Twitter and the viral postings the hashtag #IfTheyGunnedMeDown with a two pictures of themselves: one as a well-mannered citizen and the other as a negative stereotyped black person (Wilkinson). The technological community of Black Twitter was pushed forward as a new part of society after the need for activism for equality reentered society’s radar at a higher level.

By building a community of supporters, Black Twitter gained the power and influence in media. During the Trayvon Martin murder trial of George Zimmerman, a juror disrespectfully used the opportunity to land a book deal. When this deal was publicly announced, Black Twitter was began protesting against the author calling her “jurorB37” (Ramsey). This became a hashtag or was simply mentioned by name, circulating through the black community. Pressured by the opposing position of Black Twitter, the deal was cancelled. The power and sense of community of Black Twitter can be explained by time and space, where Zack explains how support from any location and time can connect and keep the platform running. While someone in New York may turn off his or her technology for the night, another person coming home from work in California may log on. There is constantly a base of users at a time that may shift at the individual level but continue to thrive as a whole. 

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