Rhizome Experiment, Fall 2015


intro: Our group's node is power. As such, power is the backbone that supports all of our pages. So how exactly does power relate to our individual projects and to our node as a whole? 

Zack tackles some of the overarching theorists such as Guattari, Marx, Williams, and Boellstorff and compares and contrasts their explorations of power dynamics. He then weaves power through an exploration of the rhizome, the transversing of time and space, and an explanation of the importance of social forces.

Through Anna's project, she analyze how power impacts society's structures and behaviors, whether it is through gender, race, or opportunity (described in her social power page), by creating a form of social hierarchy with an nearly untouchable elite: males, whites, or prison guards, as seen my examples. By obtaining power, people take the opportunity to the extreme, creating distinct differences that are difficult and rare to overcome.

Kevin Power summary 

Summary: Broadly, power dynamics create the difference that is explored in the various theories and real life examples put forth in our project.  Like a rhizome, our individual work, node, and class scalar project grow infinitely from within. While the image above is a rough map of the connections we made in our group, links, tags and paths sprout up and out from our pages and weave through our node and our classmates' work. It would be pointless to map out this growth because it is intended to be traveled in an infinite amount of ways.

insert our path picture

Now compare the image above to the image below of a Rhizome. Matrix's such as the one below exist externally in our broad layout and internally within each page. Most broadly, this matrix exists throughout the entire class project. These three layers of matrice's lie on top of each other and connect to each other to form an infinite number of paths. 

This page has paths:

Contents of this path:

This page has tags:

This page references: