resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 3 |
title | dcterms:title | 'All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace': Care and the Cybernetic University |
description | dcterms:description | We can trace the histories of our schools, our beliefs and practices about teaching and learning, our disinvestment in public institutions, our investments in technological solutions to discover how and why we got here — to this moment where everything is falling apart and the solution (from certain quarters) is software that sounds like "panopticon." It's that last bit — the histories of our investment in technological solutions (and our faith in technological solutions even when they are obviously so utterly dystopian) — that is really the focus of my work. |
content | sioc:content | We can trace the histories of our schools, our beliefs and practices about teaching and learning, our disinvestment in public institutions, our investments in technological solutions to discover how and why we got here — to this moment where everything is falling apart and the solution (from certain quarters) is software that sounds like "panopticon." It's that last bit — the histories of our investment in technological solutions (and our faith in technological solutions even when they are obviously so utterly dystopian) — that is really the focus of my work. |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | meta |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2021-04-12T14:04:28-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | |
date | dcterms:date | 05/27/2020 |
bibliographic citation | dcterms:bibliographicCitation | Watters, Audrey. 2020. “‘All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace’: Care and the Cybernetic University.” Hack Education. May 27, 2020. |
format | dcterms:format | webpage |
creator | dcterms:creator | Watters, Audrey |