Reading the Bible with the Dead

Historical Analysis By Abbey McCartney

    The article Sarah’s Silence: A Newly Discovered Commentary on Genesis 22 by Dvora Yanow¹ raises some very compelling points regarding Genesis 22; the Sacrifice of Isaac.  The article written by Dvora Yanow was published in 1994.  This article talks about how unusual it was that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was never mentioned.  Throughout Genesis, Sarah had been vocal and in most of the stories and problems that her and Abraham had to face she was willing to help and did not judge him for his decisions.  In Genesis 22 it does not say anything about Sarah trying to stop Abraham from sacrificing their one son.  
    The article by Yanow expresses some possibilities as to why Sarah might not have spoken up.  One of the reasons given is that maybe Abraham never mentioned his plans to her because he knew that she would try and stop him.  However, even if she did not know, when Abraham awoke early in the morning, chopped wood, got his donkey ready and called for his two helpers, it surely would have woken her up being that she was staying in a tent.  Another thought is that Abraham did tell her of his plans, but Sarah was in too much shock to believe that he would actually do something like that.  Although this explanation makes more sense, it is out of character for Sarah to not say what she thinks, or to support him.  
    I believe that the reason Dvora Yanow believes so strongly in figuring out why Sarah, and normally vocal woman, does not speak up in Genesis 22 is because in 1994, when the article was written, England ordained its first 33 women priests².  Although this may be something that is minor, it could definitely have an impact on women interpreters of the bible.  Having England show its support towards women and what they have to say about their religious views is something that can empower other women to express their thoughts and feelings related to the bible.  The first 33 women priests in England could have been something that enlightened Dvora Yanow to question why Sarah did not stick up for the life of her only son.  Having someone or something to inspire you to speak up and express your thoughts on a subject is extremely important.  
    Overall, I agree with Yanow that it is strange that Sarah did not stick up for the life of her only son against her husband.  I think that Abraham somehow managed to keep it a secret from her and sneak out early in the morning while keeping everything quiet so that she did not know what her husband’s plans were for that day.  I also believe that Dvora Yanow chose to speak up about Sarah’s silence because there was a recent event in 1994 showing that woman have power to speak up for their religious views, when the first 33 women got ordained as priests in England.  Having a voice and sharing your opinion on something is a quality that should be valued beyond a doubt.  

¹ "Historical Events for Year 1994 -" Accessed December 22, 2015.

² Yanow, Dvora. "Sarah's Silence: A Newly Discovered Commentary on Genesis 22 by Rashi's Sister." Sarah's Silence: A Newly Discovered Commentary on Genesis 22 by Rashi's Sister. 1994. Accessed December 22, 2015.


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