Reading the Bible with the Dead

Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac; Genesis 22

The story of Abraham's main focus is the sacrifice of Isaac. When Abraham is told to take his son Isaac to a place of offering and sacrifice him as a burnt offering, he does not hesitate. Abraham, Isaac, and two other young men went on their journey to a mountain in the land of Moriah. When Abraham and Isaac get to the location of sacrifice there is no lamb for the sacrifice. Abraham realizes that he truly does have to sacrifice Isaac and because Abraham is so faithful to God, he obeys. But before Abraham is able to stab Isaac one of the Lord's angels comes and stops him from doing so. 

After the angel stopped Abraham a lamb had appeared near by. Abraham took the lamb provided by God and sacrificed it instead of his son Isaac. The angel stopped him because he had obeyed God, this proved to God that he indeed feared Him. This was the whole point of having Abraham sacrifice Isaac, to show he was faithful to God and that he feared God. 

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