Exodus: The Plagues of Egypt
The book Exodus follows Moses through the plagues. There are ten plagues that God tells Moses to send down on the Egyptians people until the Pharaoh will relent and release the Israelites from slavery. The plagues are found in Ex 7:14-12:32 From the Lord first addressing Moses about the signs he was to send to the end of the plagues and the Israelites freedom. The first plague is the turning of water into blood, secondly the plague of frogs, third the plague of flies, forth the plague of gnats, fifth the plague of diseased livestock, sixth the plague of boils, seventh the plague of thunder and hail, eighth the plague of locusts, ninth the plague of darkness, and tenth the plague of death to every first born mammal. Moses does as the Lord instructs him to do, dutifully following out God’s instructions. God tells Moses of the plague and has Aaron, Moses’ brother, act as Moses’ prophet to the pharaoh. The Lord makes the Pharaoh’s heart hard refusing to let the Hebrews go so that the Lord could present many signs of judgment to the Egyptians with the intent that they would never forget the Lord's power.