Reading the Bible with the Dead

Introduction of the Book of Job

A majority of the story in job is in the first two chapters. In this chapter we realize that Job has been very fortunate in life and is a very rich man with a large family. Job is a happy and faithful man, and he praises the lord and every day. Then there comes a day when Satan comes in front of the Lord. The Lord praises Job in front of Satan, and describes Job's faithfulness. Satan then challenges God, saying that Job is only faithful to God because God blesses Job. God denies that that is true and allows Satan to take away everything that Job has worked for in his life as long as he does not take away Job’s life. So, Satan takes away Job's children, livestock, and servants. No matter what trials Satan brings, Job never questions God. In fact, Job worships God.

God then allows Satan test Job again and Job receives boils. Even after his wife told Job to "curse God, and die," Job responded with nothing but faithfulness to God. Eventually, Job’s friends heard about what had happened to Job, so they went to visit him. During their visit, they made arguments about why God has done this to Job, and this makes Job question why God is letting him suffer while unfaithful sinners gain wealth. Much of the rest of Job is spoken in verse while Job is contemplating his situation while talking to his wife and his three friends. In all this time, Job never loses his faith in God, and God sees this.

In the last chapter, God scolds Job's friends for not speaking the truth about God like Job has. He tells them to make an offering with Job, and that He will accept it. God praises Job’s faith, returns his wealth twice as much, heals him, and gives him children again. Job lived a long and happy life, and he was able to see his descendants to the fourth generation.

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