Reading the Bible with the DeadMain MenuAbraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac; Genesis 22By Abbey McCartney and Melissa SmithAn Introduction to JudithAn Introduction to the Story of Rachel and LeahCain and AbelDavid and Bathsheba Introductionpartner paperDeborah: An Introductionby Melani Angwo, Shalisa Brewer, Tinodaishe MandebvuElijah and the Prophets of BaalIntroductionEve IntroductionKendal Ewing and Taylor GundersonExodus: The Plagues of EgyptThe Biblical Book of Exodus Verses 7:14 to 12:32.Introduction of SamsonIntroduction of the Book of JobProject by K.D. Sengstock and Marlee MfalingundiIntroduction to The Book of RuthAn introduce to the biblical story of RuthIntroduction to the Ten CommandmentsJordan Polk & Claire HeilmanMiriamIntroductionRahabBy: Gina Graci and Kaylie SorensenSolomon IntroductionThe Book of Esther IntroductionBy: Kaylee Lingen & Caitlyn HolmThe Story of Jael and SiseraA description of the biblical story in Judges 4-5Tower of Babel - IntroductionBy Niya Necklen & Akeisha Myers
A common motif in Georges de la Tour's painting, the candle and its light represents the light and power of God.
12015-12-09T17:10:56-08:00Marlee Mfalingundi3016c3eae7b560e8ff3181559e8099fadc2bd00fJob Mocked By His Wife by Georges de la Tour2This canvas painting depicts Job 2:9-10 when his wife addresses his suffering as he refuses to give up on God despite the suffering God has caused Mfalingundi3016c3eae7b560e8ff3181559e8099fadc2bd00f