Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane MariaMain MenuContentTable of contentsIntroductionIntroduction to the timelineAcknowledgmentsTime to say thank youAbout the AuthorsA little bit about the contributorsTimelineContent for the months of September 2017 through September 2018InterviewsInterviews with libraries, archives and museum professionals about the impact of hurricane Maria at their institutionsContributeContribute to the timelineHilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
Data, Displacement, and Disaster Response
12018-10-09T08:49:09-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae309921Part of the presentation given in the Penn in Latin American and the Caribbean (PLAC) 4th Annual Conference: Climate Change, Resilience, and Environmental Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean. In the presentation, Coral Salomón Bartolomei and Tania Ríos Marrero talk about their work performed by Penn Libraries in collaboration with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap.plain2018-10-09T08:49:10-07:00YouTube2018-09-28T20:32:19.000ZPsp7cVpAO7kUPenn SEASHilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
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1media/UNE_20180918.pngmedia/UNE_20180918.png2018-10-08T20:04:46-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeSeptember 2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González9Timeline of events for the month of September 2018plain2019-04-11T10:31:10-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae