The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

John of Monte Corvino

John of Monte Corvino (1247-1328) was an Italian Franciscan missionary who founded the first Catholic missions in China and India, and who later became the archbishop of Peking. From 1272 until his death John worked virtually non-stop as an agent of the Church who proselytized in territories east of Europe. Commissioned by Pope Nicholas IV in 1289 as a legate charged with the task of visiting and attempting to convert the Great Khan and Emperor of Ehtiopia, John spent the rest of his life creating a European Catholic infrastructure in the territories of the Mongols, especially in the capital, Khanbaliq. His mission was a genuine success, although Catholicism in China slowly died out after his death. John's Letters testify to the difficulty and success of his mission and offer information on the Mongolian Prester John. 

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