This page was created by Aniruth Sivakumar. The last update was by Jeanne Britton.
View of the Remains of the Forum of Nerva (2 of 2)
Although they likely relate to the tradition of the vedute rather than the theater, figures that enter and exit from the various windows, doors, and balconies do indeed give the scene a theatrical effect (Nevola 2009). Notably, Serlio, whom Piranesi often cites, writes that the architecture for a tragic scene should be decorated with figures that are “well organized” throughout the stage but also reflect the way characters act in “il vivo,” appearing “on a balcony, in front of a door, with some sort of animal … or some person that sleeps” (Libro d’Architettura II.29). In Serlio’s frontispiece to his third book of architecture on the monuments of ancient Rome, in the gallery below, broken pieces of an ancient building are displayed before a classical architectural backdrop, similar to the stage-like perspective of the temple’s façade in Piranesi’s etching.
The woman peering out the modern window, built directly into the center of the temple, in addition to the dog, reclining figure, and gesturing actors in the foreground, suggestively evoke Serlio’s words. In a similar fashion, the piled fragments at the edge of the image act as stage props, enhancing the dramatic contrast between antiquity and modernity brought out by the Forum's ruins: the ravages of time, increasing urbanization, architectural style, and archeological restoration.(ZL)
To see this image in the Vedute di Roma, volume 17 of Piranesi’s Opere, click here.