Speaking my opinion on the topic, the idea of a revolution seems relatively unappealing. An argument can be made that no one wakes up one day and decides to fight their own government. The seeds of revolution are usually grown from long-standing internal problems or grievances that erupt violently against a nation and its people. Across our history, revolutions have been occurring across the globe, making and breaking nations with their conclusion to the conflict. Every region has faced some sort of conflict, whether it be for independence, a regime change, or for a wide variety of reasons.
With this in mind, I find the concept of revolution to be intriguing historically. What makes someone abandon what they have in order to fight in such an uphill battle? The taking up of arms by the common person isn’t as simple as it sounds, therefore warranting further study through different historical aspects of it. In order to understand the concept of history, we need to further understand why they occur to begin with. This can be analyzed through the activity below.
Let’s start by reading an article on what exactly causes a revolution. (link)
For this activity, you will watch all of the John Green videos posted below:
Now that we have gone through this activity, let’s answer the following questions in the comment section:
1) What elements do you think causes a revolution?
2) What makes a revolution successful?
3) Research another revolution of your choosing. How does that revolution share or differ itself from the Iranian and/or Haitian Revolution?