PWH 102
Welcome to Phenomenal World History 102!
Section two aims to provide activities that are easier for the user but aim to provide a little more challenge to utilize one’s critical thinking skills. These topics were selected due to their prominence amongst the common populace, but also provide a bigger challenge to understanding its counterpoint. The goal of this section hasn’t changed from the last one, as it aims for historians and non-historians alike to broaden their horizons on a topic in order to develop a logical conclusion. This activity also presents five varying topics for you to explore and research, where the user will answer three questions and post in the comment section.
For this activity, the topics we will cover in this section are listed below:
1) Islam - Understanding what exactly is Islam.
2) Mongols - Reshaping how we look at cultural adaptation through the Mongol Empire.
3) Spices - Questioning why humans had a fascination for spices.
4) Piracy - Reimagining the complex past of piracy.
5) Enlightenment - Re-analyzing the impacts during the Age of Reason.