Final Project
For the final project, I want you to construct an activity similar to the ones in the activity. Although it won’t be posted on this particular project, I want you to imagine that it will. The project will focus on you picking a topic for your users to conceptualize Below will be a selection of topics for you to pick from, but you are free to create your own if desired:
The West
Any other topic that you wish to pick out
The goal of the project is to divide the project into several parts. These parts include:
1 paragraph about the topic
1 paragraph with a counterpoint that you’re trying to make
Must have 2-3 different digital tools (links and videos) or widgets
Must have 1-2 pictures that act as digital artwork for your project
Do not feel like you need to get crazy! Keep it simple and concise
Be sure that your activities do not stray from the counterpoint you’re making about the topic
Must provide 3 critical thinking questions
These questions must be creative and show that they contribute to the counterpoint you’re trying to make about a topic
You will be graded by your creativity, use of media and digital tools, critical thinking questions, and presentation of the project. I want you to maximize your capabilities into a single topic that your audience can really challenge. Afterwards, your project must also have a title page, an introduction page, and citations page. A reflective paper must also be implemented to discuss why you chose the topic, how you built the project, what went into the project, and what you could've done differently.
To briefly conclude, this is how your project should be structured
Title Page
Introduction Page - briefly talk about the project
Activity Page - Where your topic, introduction to the topic, activities, and critical thinking questions will be
Reflective Page - 1000 words minimum
Citations Page
How to use the Scalar 2 program can be found here:
For any questions, feel free to contact me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or by emailing me at