Paradoxes & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations

Nirmala Erevelles

Nirmala Erevelles is a Professor in the Social Foundations of Education and Instructional Department of Education Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies at the University of Alabama. Ervelles got her Bachelor of Mathematics from Stella Maris College and a M.S. in Special Education from Syracuse University. In addition, Erevelles then earned a Ph.D. in Cultural Foundations of Education also from Syracuse University.

Erevelles focuses her research on disability studies in education and how that affects students, Feminist theory, and Multicultural education as seen in her publications below. She uses “Historical Materialism” to focus her research, meaning that economic inequality results in other forms in inequality. She writes a lot about children with disabilities in other countries, India specifically, in order to prove her point and discover ways that disability impacts a child outside of the school. Erevelles then does a fantastic job of explaining the relationship between disability and stereotyping which sometimes results in more separation of students (Wikipedia, N.D.).


Erevelles, N. (2011). Disability and difference in global contexts: Enabling a transformative body politic. Springer.

Erevelles, N. (2000). Educating unruly bodies: Critical pedagogy, disability studies, and the politics of schooling. Educational theory, 50(1), 25-47.

Erevelles, N. (2005). Understanding curriculum as normalizing text: Disability studies meet curriculum theory. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37(4), 421-439.

Erevelles, N., & Minear, A. (2010). Unspeakable offenses: Untangling race and disability in discourses of intersectionality. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 4(2), 127-145.

Nirmala Erevelles. (N.D.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved May 19, 2020 from