Paradoxes & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations

Elizabeth Ellsworth

Elizabeth Ellsworth is a Professor of Media Studies at the New School in New York, New York. Ellsworth earned her PhD in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2009, Ellsworth was the associate provost for Curriculum and Learning also at the New School, and wanted to create an emphasis on cross-divisional and university-wide programs on this campus. Ellsworth wanted to encourage students to “broaden and strengthen the academic experience” through new ways of learning (“Elizabeth Ellsworth”, N.D.).

Some of Ellsworth’s focuses of research include theories of change and social change and public pedagogies through media in different forms. Ellsworth is the co-founder of the nonprofit media arts collaboration “Smudge Studio”. In addition, Ellsworth has designed multiple websites for web-based online learning environments including Recently, she has written journal articles for a variety of journals that focus on combining learning with aesthetics and public pedagogy, one of her main focuses of research. Ellsworth wants to encourage learners to “construct, share, and assess diverse ways of knowing” that emerge from contemporary life (“Elizabeth Ellsworth”, N.D.).


Roman, L. G., Christian-Smith, L. K., & Ellsworth, E. (Eds.). (1988). Becoming feminine: The politics of popular culture (pp. 6-7). London: Falmer Press.

Ellsworth, E. (1997). Double binds of whiteness. Off white: Readings on race, power, and society, 259-269.

Ellsworth, E. (2005). Places of learning: Media, architecture, pedagogy. Routledge.

Ellsworth, E. (1997). Teaching positions: Difference, pedagogy, and the power of address. Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027.

Ellsworth, E. (1989). Why doesn't this feel empowering? Working through the repressive myths of critical pedagogy. Harvard educational review, 59(3), 297-325.