Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity


The themes circulating around our selections have been organized into some general pages  Read a short description of how the theme connects to our feminist recovery effort and click the hyperlink to go more in-depth, or, click through the guided path of context with the blue button at the bottom of the page!


Feminism Tag 

Feminism! A reason to be here! Our discussion framed with this tag will consider historical issues with feminism, the female friendships involved with our selections, and female autonomy in a broader sense.

Erasure Tag 

This theme considers more closely texts or writers who are not made visible to the author or work. It also considers, more generally, people who are not made visible through recovery or in effect repressed in recovery or through these texts themselves.

Social Class Tag

Social class proves important to the understanding of an author's position, and perhaps the structure in a certain time period that contextualizes a piece of writing. Classism and economic privilege are discussed, and middle class identity.

Intersectionality Tag 

The representation of identity is very dimensional! Marsha Houston's idea of pop-bead metaphysics describes this discussion well.

Education Tag 

Broadly, this tag relates the concept of education to selections and their authors. The privilege of education for these writers is considered.

Defying Social Norms Tag

 'Unconventional lifestyle' may be fitting for some of these authors, who represented counter ideas or presence to the dominant culture.

Cultural Consideration Tag 

The contact zone is a contested area where cultural values, actions, or beliefs meet. This tag considers possible double-consciousness of authors, as part of two different cultures.

Politics Tag 

Political position is always rhetorical. Activist work and the use of writing for political means describes some of the recovery included, with a reflection on contemporary political debates raised in some of these entries.

Gender / Identity Tag 


Religion Tag 


Racial Tensions Tag 

Didactic Literature Tag 


Health Tag 

Family Ties Tag 


Self-Determination Tag 


Travel Tag


Beauty Tag


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