Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity


Wow. "Where to start?" you're already thinking. In this work, we are considering political questions much further than policies, arguments. Though it's helpful to remind ourselves of the contemporary frame some of the political questions that are raised, this theme refers to the broad scope of power and the oppressed. 

Political conversation exists in context for every author, and the question of feminism is political itself. Political issues can be raised with writing, and our selections are no different. Even if a selection doesn't explicitly discuss it, the positionality of the author's life still falls in this context. Oftentimes, writing is just one piece of work an author uses to enter political questions and debates, while sometimes the writing is activism on its own, dedicated to the dialogue. 

Reframing 'Politics'

Take a step back with this tag, and consider the political spectrum writ large. This discussion is not meant to lobby political opinions and instead inform new possible perspectives. The idea of a "new politics in a global context  that's needed according to Jacques Derrida considers at present the acceptable possibilities of the political spectrum, especially after the fall of socialism at the start of the 1990s. (Derrida) Free-market capitalism and European socialism seem to be our only big-picture options. And, the west has become far removed from the east politically with a greater general level of democracy than the majority of eastern countries in the values of free and fair elections, participation for citizens, and protected rights, referencing the general components of free and oppressed countries.

Some of the topics below are contemporary political issues facing most decisions on law in the west. They provide an easier to grasp link to the selections. Marginalized Groups, Health CareEnvironment and Ethics, Global Debts and Economy, Education; they can all relate to the large scale of power over the public.


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