Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Raquel Gutierrezvaldes

Here I sit in my Santa Clara apartment room, reading the text of the week while very frequently eying my bed because closing my laptop and taking a nap is way too easy in the environment I lived in this quarter. It definitely had its up and downs being away from home and dealing with the pandemic without my family but I had all my pictures on my wall keeping me positive. Besides that, it forced me to entertain myself with my thoughts and homework, taking more seriously the content of my classes and actually concreting my opinions about it. Coming from a Latino background, I've grown up in a predominantly male dominated social society, taking this class has shown me the parallels throughout time with the same concepts and has shown me that female empowerment exists out there and women have been advocating for it since ages ago, it just isn't read and uncovered enough. I've grown to be a fan of France Power Cobbe and her strong character that makes her succeed in live even is she is criticized and lived an "unorthodox" life

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