Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity


Throughout this course we have looked at various women in literary history, with a special focus on recovery and intersectionality. Additionally we have challenged various norms, whether they be gender or race related, and discussed the reason for the exclusion of women from the literary 'canon'. 

Beauty is defined as the combination of qualities such as shapes, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, particularly sight. In analyzing beauty through various lenses, our class has also had the chance to evaluate our own identities, and discuss what makes us unique, or acknowledge different privileges we have never recognized before, which prompts several questions. How do we view beauty? Are beauty standards a result of patriarchal values in society? Is intersectionality taken into account when we discuss beauty? Why do we consider certain things or features beautiful while others are deemed ugly? Our texts bring into focus the different aspects of society that create the definition of beauty within our minds and the cultural and societal standards that have been set by history. Beauty plays an important role in deciding who is included in certain aspects of society and who isn't. By challenging beauty standards and examining different perspective we allow for different ideas of beauty to be formed and create a more inclusive definition. 

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