Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Editorial Principles

A growing list of guiding principles for the selection, formatting, and presentation of research material

(1) The search process in Chronicling America  for Mark Twain-related items.
Search criteria:Advanced search
Select states: All states
Select Newspaper(s): All newspapers
Select Year(s): 1865-1910 (publication of the first text of nationwide distribution; year of death)
Language: German
Enter Search ...with the phrase: mark twain

(2) Principles for selection and transcription of articles
(3) Newspaper items: Design principles for individual pages
The structure of the main text area can be (re-)created using the "source" mode of the text editor and copy/pasting the following HTML:
<hr />link<hr />image<table id="transtext"><tbody><tr><th><u>Transcription</u></th><th><u>English Translation</u></th></tr><tr><td>text</td><td>text</td></tr></tbody></table>

The individual pages consist of the following elements:
(4) Translations of (literary) texts by Mark Twain: Guidelines
The structure of the main text area can be (re-)created using the "source" mode of the text editor and copy/pasting the following HTML:
<hr />link<hr /><br /><span class="note" rev="scalar:has_note" resource="changes-in-translation" data-show-title="no" data-show-description="no" data-show-content="yes" data-type="undefined">Key to annotations on German translations of Mark Twain's original texts</span><br />image<table id="transtext2"><tbody><tr><th><u>Transcription</u></th><th><u>English Translation / Original Text</u></th></tr><tr><td>text</td><td>text</td></tr></tbody></table>

(5) Footnotes on Text Pages
To create footnotes and a link back to the point of origin [sample page], use the following code:
<a id="fn-1-ref" href="#fn-1">[1]</a> MAIN TEXT

<p id="fn-1">[1] *** Explanatory text *** <a href="#fn-1-ref">&#8617;</a>

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