1. Search Parameters
search process in
Chronicling America for main catalog (catalog of
Deutscher Correspondent items collected by Kim Nitschke uses different search parameters):
- Search criteria: Advanced search
- Select states: All states
- Select Newspaper(s): All newspapers
- Select Year(s): 1865-1910 (publication of the first text of nationwide distribution; year of death)
- Language: German
- Enter search ...with the phrase: mark twain
- Search result: 837 results containing “the phrase "mark twain""
All relevant newspapers retrieved from
Chronicling America (last update: Dec 14, 2022):
- Arkansas Echo (Little Rock, Ark.) 1891-19??
- Süd-California Deutsche Zeitung (San Diego, Calif.) 1887-????
- Washington Journal (Washington, D.C.) 1888-2002
- Abendblatt (der Illinois Staats-Zeitung) (Chicago, Ill., daily) 1891-1894
- Illinois Staats-Zeitung (Chicago, Ill., weekly) 1848-1922
- Indiana Tribüne (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1878-1907
- Luxemburger Gazette (Dubuque, Iowa) 1871-1918
- Der Deutsche Correspondent (Baltimore, Md.) 1841-1918
- Katholische Volkszeitung (Baltimore, Md.) 1860-1914
- Täglicher Baltimore Wecker (Baltimore [Md.]) 1867-1877
- Der Fortschritt (New Ulm, Minn.) 1891-1915
- Der Nordstern (St. Cloud, Minn.) 1874-1931
- Osage County Volksblatt (Westphalia, Mo.) 1896-1917
- Hermanner Volksblatt (Hermann, Mo.) 1875-1928
- Nebraska Staats-Anzeiger (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1880-1901
- Nebraska Staats-Anzeiger und Herold (Grand Island, Nebraska) 1901-1918
- Grand Island Anzeiger und Herold (Grand Island, Nebraska) 1893-1901
- Der Staats-Anzeiger (Rugby, N.D.) 1906-current
- Westliche Blätter (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1865-1919
- Tägliches Cincinnatier Volksblatt (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1885-1919
- Der Westbote (Columbus, Ohio) 1872-1918
- Der Deutsche Beobachter (New Philadelphia, Ohio) 1869-1911
- Scranton Wochenblatt (Scranton, Pa.) 1865-1918
- Süd Dakota Nachrichten (Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota) 18??-1900
- Süd-Dakota Nachrichten und Herold (Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota) 1900-1901
- Nachrichten-Herold (Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota) 1901-1907
- Deutscher Herold (Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota) 1907-1918
- Die Eureka Post (Eureka, McPherson Co., Süd-Dakota) 18??-19??
- Freie Presse für Texas (San Antonio, Tex.) 1865-1945
- Virginia Staats-Gazette (Richmond, Va.) 1870-1904
- Der Sonntagsbote (Milwaukee, Wis.) 1906-1912
- Nord Stern (La Crosse, Wis.) 1856-1921
- The Baraboo News (Baraboo, Wis.) 1884-1911 [English-language newspaper that occasionally featured two pages with information in German and printed in fraktur typeface]