It's HERO Time: The Best Looking HERO Cards in Yu-Gi-OhMain MenuHERO's ruleSome of the best looking Yu-Gi-Oh cards I have ever seenFusion MonstersFusion monsters let you fuse HERO strategies!Quick-Play Spell CardsThese allow Masked HEROs to keep up with the competition!Destiny HEROsDestiny HEROs foresaw you coming to this page!Elemental HEROsThe original HERO archetype that made the whole thing happen!Evil HEROsEvil HEROs give Elemental HEROs a more sinister feel!Masked HEROsMasked HEROs are a nice Change from the originals!Vision HEROsVision HEROs really let you see the potential in a HERO deck!Xtra HEROsXtra HEROs gave HEROs the extra boost they needed to be great!Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb
Elemental HERO Honest Neos
1media/Elemental_Hero_HonestNeos_thumb.jpg2019-12-11T20:38:54-08:00Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb359852Elemental HERO Honest Neos is a strange card. It is never summoned to the field, and is only used for his effect to enable OTKs. So a few of the other cards on this list are known as beaters. Honest Neos is not a beater, but it makes every other HERO you control a potential beater. Basically you can discard Honest Neos from your hand to increase one of your other HERO's attack by 2500. This allows you to defeat almost any monster in battle which helps you perform OTKs. Other than that Honest Neos has no purpose. His design is very cool however. He is based off of another Elemental HERO named Elemental HERO Neos. Neos had a cool design already with red and blue stripes on his all white body, but then they added angel wings with a gold trim and allowed him to fly. I don't believe any further explanation is necessary.plain2019-12-11T20:40:23-08:00Trading CardYugioh CardMain Deck MonsterElemental HEROBrian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb
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12019-12-12T17:43:09-08:00Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cbElemental HEROsBrian A Zabawa2The original HERO archetype that made the whole thing happen!structured_gallery2019-12-12T19:25:06-08:00Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb