Theory in a Digital Age: A Project of English 483 Students, Coastal Carolina University


Klyan Williams talks about the time when she stopped dreaming. Williams states that when she would dream she would have nightmares. These nightmare began after the murders of Mya Hall and Freddie Grey. She stated that these nightmares were "a reflection of the genocide against Black People"
Williams even states about how these nightmares would creep into her normal and every-day life. These nightmares made her afraid to leave her house and spirled her into a depression. Every day she was "passively internalizing images of the Black death.
Williams also remebers when she began to dream again. She states that Indigo-Jun, the daughter of a college friend of hers, is who allowed her to begin dreaming again. Indigo-June gave her back her "gift of vision and imagination" by showing Williams hers.
Williams also realizes the importance the dreams of young people have on Black Americans. She realizes that young Black people like Indigo-June must dream up "futures without prisons and police" and this dreaming will lead to a "future without chattel slavery".

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