Iberian Cultures: The Mediterranean and Transatlantic Blueprint


During the Convivencia, Spain was a melting pot of diverse cultures, languages, and beliefs. Islamic Moors, Christian Visigoths, and Jewish communities coexisted in an atmosphere of relative peace, fostering a unique environment of intellectual, artistic, and scientific exchange. Despite their religious differences, these communities embraced a shared vision of mutual respect, cooperation, and coexistence. Scholars, philosophers, and artists from all three traditions collaborated to gain knowledge and create some ideals that we still use until this day. This exchange of knowledge and ideas laid the groundwork for the preservation and advancement of various disciplines, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. In this era of Convivencia, religious and cultural diversity was not only tolerated but celebrated. Mosques, churches, and synagogues stood side by side, each reflecting the rich architectural and artistic influences of its respective community, and many reflecting influences of others. Also, in this era it is seen that there were many customs there adopted by the Spanish community. 
However, as with any historical period, the Convivencia was not without its challenges. Despite its notable achievements, the harmony was occasionally marred by political tensions and power struggles. Nevertheless, the spirit of coexistence endured, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of Spanish society and shaping the course of European history. These power struggles can further be seen in tax regulations, forced conversions of muslims, and the forcing removal of muslims from Spain. The christian community fought against sharing space with moorish people and this led to man divisions between the community. This led to a document call "La limpieza de Sangre"(shown below). 


This is just one of the many examples of the power dynamic between these two communities. The rising friction between them would further lead to mass spread of christianity over the world. The era of convivencia had laid the foundations of the world as we know it today and without the distinguished cultural differences shown we probably would not have the advancements that we have today.

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