Price List
1 2016-11-08T07:06:40-08:00 Stephanie Armijo dd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136 11451 1 Price List for Soda Fountain Machines and Parts Page 6 plain 2016-11-08T07:06:40-08:00 Stephanie Armijo dd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136Media
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created | dcterms:created | 2016-11-08T07:06:40-08:00 |
Version 1
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title | dcterms:title | Price List |
description | dcterms:description | Price List for Soda Fountain Machines and Parts Page 6 |
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was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2016-11-08T07:06:40-08:00 |
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This page is referenced by:
James Tufts Descriptive Catalogue of prices
James Tufts Price List in His Descriptive Catalog Prices for Soda Apparatus and supplies
James Tufts made sure to write a letter that was to be placed on the first page of his book. It was a letter to those who are in the business of soda fountains. Here is his letter.
To Dispensers, Bottlers, and Manufacturers of Carbonated Beverages.
I have endeavored in the following pages, not only to give full directions for setting up and operating all the various types of apparatus of my manufacture, but I have added recipes for all standard syrups, and have from time to time incorporated such recipes for new drinks as I have learn of from my large list of patrons. In making up this hand-book, I have been obliged to make such division and arrangement of matter, pertaining both to dispensing and manufacturing, as best I could, and I would suggest that in all parts may be found some facts that will be of special interest to both classes, and therefore urge a careful reading of the whole book upon all branches of the trade.
The rapid and increased demand for bottled carbonated beverages is a sure indication that the soda-water business, in this branch, though immensely greater than a few years since, has has only began it's growth, and that in the future more pains will be taken to improve the necessary machinery for their proper production that has yet been given.
In the following pages I have endeavored to give, in as plain a manner, and as thoroughly as space will permit. Such information as shall benefit the manufacturer in the selection of his machinery or supplies, as well as to give such directions and formulas as I know to be desired.
Should the reader fail to find sufficient information as to prices, etc. I will with pleasure mail him my full catalogue, which will supply all that may be lacking here.
I aim to make only one class of goods, and that the best, and can safely guarantee every article of my manufacturer.
James W. Tufts
- 1 2016-11-08T07:25:59-08:00 Price List 1 Mathews Catalog Price List plain 2016-11-08T07:25:59-08:00