French Freedom Papers

Anthony Eden

Sir Anthony Eden, Earl of Avon (1897-1977) was born in Durham, England. He was a British conservative politician who served in combat during World War I. In 1923, he was elected to the House of Commons, becoming undersecretary of foreign affairs in 1931, lord privy seal in 1934, and minister for League of Nations affairs in 1935.

He became foreign secretary in December 1935; however, he resigned in 1938 as a means of protesting Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policies towards Nazi Germany and the fascist regime in Italy. He would reenter Chamberlain's government following the outbreak of World War II, this time as dominions secretary.

Although he was named secretary of state for war when Winston Churchill became prime minister in May 1940, he returned to his position as foreign secretary that December, where he remained until July 1945.

His honors and achievements before, during, and after the war include:
   -being the youngest person to hold the office of foreign secretary, for more than 80 years
   -being dubbed a Knight of the Garter, the highest honor in the gift of the crown, in 1954
   -aiding in the establishment of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) in 1954
   -succeeding Winston Churchill as prime minister in April 1955
   -being named Earl of Avon in 1961

Letters received by:
De Gaulle to Eden: 8/5/1942

Britannica Editors. “Anthony Eden.” Encyclopedia Britannica , Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.,
Smith, J.Y. “Anthony Eden Dies at 79.” The Washington Post, 15 Jan. 1977,


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