In a Bronze Mirror: Eileen Chang’s Life and LiteratureMain MenuEileen Chang's Life and LegacyLA Team: Yiwei, Helena and JennyChinese Life and FashionsLove in Fallen CitiesRed Roses White RosesMotherhood and MarriageHistorical Translations and Cross-Cultural FuturesAbout the Project
Eileen Chang with her father, mother, aunt and two nephews, [s.d.]
1media/Eileen_Chang_with_her_father_mother_aunt_and_two_nephews_sd_thumb.jpg2020-11-13T11:21:01-08:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e378983Eileen Chang with her father, mother, aunt and two nephews, [s.d.] Eileen Chang is sitting with her parents, aunt and her cousin by the table drinking tea. Another cousin is standing beside the table. This picture is taken in a small house in Tianjin with no lawn. The people wearing glasses are my dad and aunt while the rest is my mother, two cousins and Niu'er's siblings. My mom left me a picture of my dad but I lost it. I wrote a poem on the cardboard of the photo studio but I can only remember few of the sentences. -- "Dui Zhao ji",p 008; 张爱玲与她的父亲,母亲,姑姑和两个大侄侄的照片,[s.d.]. 张爱玲与她的父亲,母亲,姑姑和一个大侄侄坐在桌旁一起喝茶,另一个大侄子站在桌边。"在天津家里,一个比较简朴的半旧花园洋房,没草坪。戴眼镜的是我的父亲,我姑姑,余为我母亲与两个大侄侄,妞儿的弟兄们。我母亲故后遗物中有我父亲的一张照片,被我弄丢了。看来是直奉战争的时候寄到英国去的,在照相馆的硬纸夹上提了一首七绝,第一,第三句我只记得开首与大意:才听津门([金甲鸣]?是我瞎猜,[鸣]字大概也不押韵。) 又闻塞上鼓声声 书生(自愧只坐拥书城?) 两字平安报予卿 因为他娶了妾,又吸上鸦片,她终于藉口我姑姑出国留学需要女伴监护,同去英国,一去四年。他一直催她回来,答应戒毒,姨太太也走了。回来也还是离了婚。他总是叫我不要怪我父亲。"-- 对照记,p 008plain2023-09-12T15:33:15-07:00Ailing Zhang (Eileen Chang) Papers, 1919-1994, USC Digital LibraryTang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46
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12020-10-02T14:45:33-07:00Yiwei Lu4ccd0047f16904c17843e0517a6fc2c0f27de510Eileen Chang's Life and LegacyTang Li67LA Team: Yiwei, Helena and Jennystructured_gallery2021-11-24T12:26:38-08:00Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46