Simulation of Life: How E-Lit Creates Empathy


Separation, created by Annie Abrahams, simulates the life of those who struggle with Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). This software is proven to assist the recovery and avert the symptoms. It instructs users to click every time they are ready to read another word on the screen. It is paced word by word to keep it slow and to slow it down because it is the only way to avert the pain stemming from this injury. Several times a notification will pop up on the screen to let the user know they are clicking too hard or too fast which means the reader would have to start the paragraph over again. The paragraph consists of a poem style of writing while touching on the topic of separation within human beings. After the completion of a mini-paragraph, an exercise will appear instructing the reader to participate. Each exercise is to simulate a break. 

Separation adds to the theme of empathy because it pushes the reader to be in the shoes of those who suffer form this injury. The author understands the user may not actually feel the pain of RSI but works for understanding and shared feelings. 

Click on "simulate a break" to see an example of an exercise.
Click on "(RSI)" to learn more about it.
Click on "Annie Abrahams" to hear directly from the author.
Click on "shared feelings" to find the connection.


Brianna Van Zanten

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