Simulation of Life: How E-Lit Creates Empathy

Works Cited

Brianna Van Zanten - Separation

Abrahams, Annie. “Separation.” RedRidinghood, 2003,

“Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injury.” R.S.I. Page,

Chatzichristodoulou, Maria. “Annie Abrahams. Allergic To Utopias • Digicult | Digital Art, Design and Culture.” Digicult | Digital Art, Design and Culture, 12 June 2016,

“Annie Abrahams.” Net Art, Video, Performance, 23 July 2018,

Macin Sheeder - Entre Ville

Douglas, J. Yellowlees. "The Intentional Network." In 
The End of Books or Books without End?: Reading Interactive Narratives, 132-34. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2001.

"Writers and Artists Talk about Their Work and the Software They Use to Create Their Work." Authoring Software. Accessed November 19, 2018.

Flores, Leonardo. ""Entre Ville" by J.R. Carpenter." I ❤️ E-Poetry. January 31, 2012. Accessed November 19, 2018. 

Electronic Literature Organization. (n.d.). Entre Ville. Retrieved November 18, 2018, from 

John Dominicos - Galatea

Salter, Anastasia. “Playing at empathy: Representing and experiencing emotional growth through Twine games.” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Orlando. 10 October. 2016

Short, Emily. “The Versu Galatea”. Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling. February 23, 2016.

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