Simulation of Life: How E-Lit Creates Empathy


*The entire software program pops on the screen as a large sticky note, just as a sticky note would be used as a reminder on the side of a desk.*

There were very little directions given to the reader. They will figure out they need to mirror the experiences of the pained people described in the poem.

For example, one exercise is asking for user to shrug their shoulders for a whole 15 seconds to release some of the tension built up within their arms. TRY ME .Labeled as "Shrug the shoulders". 

Image asking for the user to "show the pain"-this presents pure empathy because its main goal to make others feel what people suffer from. Straight from the simulation of what RSI recovery feels like. Even though you don't feel the pain, the computer specifically asks the user to show the pain to get as close to the emotional standpoint as a patient.

By the end of the exercise a sense of empathy is built within the user because they now understand how difficult it must be for people in the shoes of those who suffer from this chronic injury. An inevitable relationship will soon form with the user and those who suffer. One of the other factors that adds to the empathy is the design of the game, which creates a hesitation or pause after another task is completed. Extending the break in-between actions puts a huge emphasis on how one must take several seconds in order to heal from the injury sustained.

Go back to Separation

Brianna Van Zanten


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