Entanglements: an exploration of the digital literary work FISHNETSTOCKINGSMain MenuStartCover pageFishnetStockings FundamentalsA path of background and documentation of FishnetStockingsMermaids, Little and Otherwisea path on one of the most famous mermaid talesHybriditySub/ImmersionProcessing, Systems, and CodeMovement/DanceSilhouettesUnderwater Paper CuttingSwim Through the CodeA path about the code of FishnetStockingsFellow Fishworks of digital art that set precedentWorks CitedSources of our inspiration and edificiationDiana Leong5f86c388d73d4478d782c449582a052ecb430834Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777Jessica Pressman42c474d93c0b66b9f6bb205f58680b42bcf8968b
Ocean as Media Platform for E-lit
12022-04-22T21:43:28-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777393861ELO 2021: Platforms & Software 2: Ocean as Media Platform for Electronic Literature, 26 May 2021plain2022-04-22T21:43:28-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777
When the time came to write about a new work of electronic literature, I thought about how much Jessica loves mermaids. In fact, she (and really I) think that she is one. What if we wrote about mermaids. I had just the piece: FISHNETSTOCKINGS, an immersive generative adaptation of various mermaid stories. But we knew we couldn’t explore this alone. Jessica soon suggested Diana as a colleague who could take on the visual dimension of the piece and we recruited Melody Jue, who had written on the ocean as medium and trope. Our team was formed. as we slipped into our scholarly dive suits and submerged ourselves in the piece, we we immediately realized that we had not only found the perfect piece for our exploration but also the perfect team. And now are team is augmented by one, you, dear, reader. Come with us into these waters of FISHNETSTOCKINGS and explore its many reefs, depths, and shoals.