Entanglements: an exploration of the digital literary work FISHNETSTOCKINGSMain MenuStartCover pageFishnetStockings FundamentalsA path of background and documentation of FishnetStockingsMermaids, Little and Otherwisea path on one of the most famous mermaid talesHybriditySub/ImmersionProcessing, Systems, and CodeMovement/DanceSilhouettesUnderwater Paper CuttingSwim Through the CodeA path about the code of FishnetStockingsFellow Fishworks of digital art that set precedentWorks CitedSources of our inspiration and edificiationDiana Leong5f86c388d73d4478d782c449582a052ecb430834Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777Jessica Pressman42c474d93c0b66b9f6bb205f58680b42bcf8968b
Catching a Boat in a Net
12022-05-01T22:09:23-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777393865plain2022-05-01T22:16:42-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777In this moment of the video, we can see the Act II interaction in which 2 interactors must work together to catch the boat in the net. The net in this instance is a puppet being manipulated by two people.
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12022-04-22T21:45:17-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777Fishnet Stockings Documentation1plain2022-04-22T21:45:18-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777