12022-06-16T12:29:02-07:00Brooke Hendershottb0a907cd0f989ee79e94592378a1545647719cfb394478google_maps2023-01-15T12:14:07-08:0047.79773143552382, 13.044434269638693Amanda Luyster17d39c1ecea88fb7ff282fe74a410b89478b8327The silk used to create this miter was produced in either Byzantine or Islamic areas of the Mediterranean. Similar imported silk material was used in many other miters and vestments, such as another Miter from the Abbey Church of St Peter, currently in the Abegg Stiftung collection. Construction of the miter may have taken place in Germany or Austria. It was sent to the ancient Benedictine monastery of St. Peter in Salzburg, where it would be used for years to come.