1media/the-doges-palace-venice-italy.jpg2022-06-16T12:29:11-07:00Brooke Hendershottb0a907cd0f989ee79e94592378a1545647719cfb3944711image_header2023-01-15T12:26:27-08:00Amanda Luyster17d39c1ecea88fb7ff282fe74a410b89478b8327The miter was part of the collection of the Benedictine monastery of St. Peter in Salzburg, Austria for many years. In 1933, the owners and leaders of the church sold religious textiles to Adolfo Loewi. Loewi was a German and Jewish art dealer specializing in textiles, and he put the work he collected, probably including this miter, in a gallery in Venice. After five years of ownership, Loewi ended up selling the pieces to Boston's Museum of Fine Arts in 1938, where the miter is stored with companion textiles. Many other vestments from this church can be found in other museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Abegg Stiftung collection.