Bringing the Holy Land Home: The Crusades, Chertsey Abbey, and the Reconstruction of a Medieval Masterpiece

Sources for further reading

By Reuben Reyes '23

Cahn, Walter & Seidel, Linda. Romanesque sculpture in American collections. New York: Burt Franklin & Co., Inc, 1979.

Edwards, Karen. “Milton’s Reformed Animals: An Early Modern Bestiary: T-Z.” Milton Quarterly 43, no. 4 (2009): 241–308.

"France, 1000-1400 A.D." Heilbrunn Timeline of History. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

"An Introduction to the Bestiary, Book of Beasts in the Medieval World." Khan Academy.

McClanan, Anne. “Illustrious Monsters: Representations of Griffins on Byzantine Textiles.” Riggisberger Berichte, 23: Animals in Text and Textile Storytelling in the Medieval World, 2019.

"Romanesque Art." Heilbrunn Timeline of History. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

"The Brummer Gallery Records." Thomas J. Watson Library Digital Collections. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Vézelay, Church and Hill:

Zink, Stephan. "polychromy, architectural, Greek and Roman." Oxford Classical Dictionary. 26 Mar. 2019.

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