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Dr. Gerald Webb
12016-04-27T12:55:50-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc783893Courtesy of The American Association of Immunologistsplain2016-04-28T10:20:58-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-03-13T11:15:19-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7Cragmor Photo GalleryJessica Precht and Jessica Scott16structured_gallery2511792016-04-28T11:54:10-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-03-13T12:39:07-07:00Dr. Gerald Webb (1871-1948)7plain2016-05-01T14:20:16-07:00Dr. Gerald Webb was known for his work as a physician’s scholar. He was big into research and writing in the medical field. He was drafted by Dr. Forster to be the head researcher for Cragmor Sanatorium and additional physician for patients.
Webb was one of 19 physicians of Cragmor and for 20 years, attracted patients from all around. Many came to Cragmor due to his massive reputation as a specialist. Webb was a patient favorite and was known for not allowing patients mental capacity to slip due to their illness. He often brought patients books to read and spoke with them about important and educational topics.
While not often mentioned in Cragmor research due to his limited responsibilities, Webb was one of the most influential doctors of his time and played a massive role in the research on consumption.