Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that drastically influences ones respiratory system. Tuberculosis has many nicknames to include: consumption, TB, and the white plague. Consumption has existed in humans since as early as 3000-2400 BC. It is mostly found in the lungs where oxygen and blood fuel the disease, but can be found in other parts of the body as well. There are two known forms of TB. There is that of Pulmonary in which the infection is mainly in ones lungs and chest, affecting their breathing. The other known form is that of Extrapulmonary, which spreads to other parts of the body such as the central nervous system, lymphatic system, as well as the bones and joints. This highly infectious disease is typically transmitted when infected individuals cough, speak, sneeze, spit or even smile, thus releasing the disease into the air. It is said to create encapsulated tubes inside ones lungs causing them to have excessive pulmonary issues. While TB is highly contagious, it does not affect everyone the same way. According to experts only about 10% of humans with consumption will ever show active signs of the disease. Consumption was responsible for a large amount of deaths in the early 1900's when it spread fast throughout the United States of America, killing hundreds of thousands of people.