Cragmor Sanatorium Main MenuTuberculosisCragmor SanatoriumCragmor Doctors and StaffCragmor PatientsCragmor Bankruptcy/BailoutCragmor Photo GalleryResourcesJessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
Rules and Regulations
12016-04-18T11:04:24-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc783891Patient Rules and Regulations for care. Patients were expected to abide by the rules that coincided with their personal health plan given to them by htheir doctor. "Courtesy, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum Archives, McKay Collection"plain2016-04-18T11:04:24-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-03-13T11:15:19-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7Cragmor Photo GalleryJessica Precht and Jessica Scott16structured_gallery2511792016-04-28T11:54:10-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-04-18T12:03:19-07:00Rules and Regulations6plain2016-04-27T20:09:59-07:00Cragmor's patients were left to do much of what they felt like doing. They were only on a strict schedule when they were sick or required to do something based on their doctor's orders. Most patients spent a lot of time in bed, while some were allowed outside. It all was dependent on doctor's orders and how they felt that day.
Below is an image that highlights the rules and regulations that the patients at Cragmor received and were required to follow. Most are fairly basic and while they seem very strict, it was all for the safety of patients and others in order to ensure patients got what they needed medically.