Cragmor Sanatorium Main MenuTuberculosisCragmor SanatoriumCragmor Doctors and StaffCragmor PatientsCragmor Bankruptcy/BailoutCragmor Photo GalleryResourcesJessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
Old Medicine Bottles
12016-04-18T11:42:00-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc783892Courtesy of Flickr.Complain2016-05-01T12:35:31-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-03-13T11:15:19-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7Cragmor Photo GalleryJessica Precht and Jessica Scott16structured_gallery2511792016-04-28T11:54:10-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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1media/Cragmor in Snow 1.jpgmedia/pinterest 4.jpg2016-04-18T11:40:13-07:00Cure & TB Today19plain2016-05-01T13:13:29-07:00 Cure In 1946, TB found the cure it needed with the development of antibiotics. During the 1900's, mainly that of antibiotic streptomycin was used to cure patients.
Where is TB today? In 1980 consumption resurfaced with a vengeance. Unfortunately, present forms of TB have shown different symptoms as well as forms that are not being cured with today’s antibiotics. The disease is forming a tolerance for antibiotics and in turnto spread and individuals that are affected are kept quarantined to avoid spreading, as it killed so many in the 1900's.