Cragmor Sanatorium Main MenuTuberculosisCragmor SanatoriumCragmor Doctors and StaffCragmor PatientsCragmor Bankruptcy/BailoutCragmor Photo GalleryResourcesJessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
Cragmor Brochure Cover
12016-04-18T13:30:21-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc783892"Courtesy, Pikes Peak Library District"plain2016-04-18T13:50:47-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-03-13T11:15:19-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7Cragmor Photo GalleryJessica Precht and Jessica Scott16structured_gallery2511792016-04-28T11:54:10-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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1media/Cragmor.jpg2016-04-18T12:06:02-07:00Cragmor Advertisements26image_header2016-05-01T13:59:33-07:00Cragmor opened officially in 1905 before the construction of the Main Building. Due to the lack of a large building to help advertise the Sanatorium to the wealthy, they had to find other ways to advertise their presence.
There were a few ways that Cragmor advertised the Sanatorium in the beginning that include:
Post Cards
Reputation of Dr. Edwin Solly
Newspaper Articles written about Cragmor and its staff reputation