Climate Change

"Dr. Stone" - Overview

Dr. Stone is a manga, which is comic produced in Japan. In the manga, a natural disaster turns all living things on earth to stone. This was catastrophic, cities fell, all technology was lost, and the world was returned to a prehistoric state. This take on climate change and disasters is more abstract than films like The Day After Tomorrow or the book Eden, but it does so in a way that directly appeals to younger audiences. Dr. Stone provides horrifying pictures of people trapped in stone and the steps needed to save humanity. The story of Dr. Stone is covered through 26 volumes from the span of 2017 to 2022, but volume one will be the primary focus. This manga series has also been adapted to television as an anime series. This manga relates to our theme of climate change because it is inferred that the combination of the lack of science in the previous society and the environmental neglect triggered the disaster of petrification, punishing humanity. 
Vol.1 Dr Stone - Manga - Manga news
Dr. Stone Vol. 1 cover - link 

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