Climate Change

"The Day After Tomorrow" - Overview

The Day After Tomorrow is a 2004 American Eco-horror film. This film explores the consequences of global warming on an extreme scale, depicting horrifying scenes of worldwide destruction and devastation. The Day After Tomorrow is a direct attack on the poor environmental policies of the United States, specifically, the refusal of the Bush administration for implementing the Kyoto protocol, which was an international treaty that was designed to reduce harmful emissions. Throughout the film, the politicians neglect of the environment is obvious, and it takes the world nearly getting destroyed before they understand the importance of environmental policy. This film relates to our main theme of climate change because human actions directly contributed to the desalinization of the ocean, which in turn triggered several events that took revenge on humanity to make them pay for their mistakes. The Day After Tomorrow is a horrifyingly moving film, that displays the sheer power of nature striking back at humanity.
                                          The Day After Tomorrow - movie POSTER (Style B) (27" x 40") (2004 ...
Film Cover - link

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