Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 2 - Salvation Army


The salvation army is one of the largest christian organizations

in the world, and operates in over a hundred countries.  Even

though the salvation army is known for selling used clothing,

they also serve veterans and the elderly, perform disaster and

hunger relief, and even help with missing and trafficked people.  

The salvation army is one of the most active charities worldwide,

and is effective because of the number of people it helps, religious

or non-religious.

The salvation army was founded in 1850 in London.  One of the

reasons the salvation army is so unique is that it is structure

like a military organization.  In addition, the salvation army attracts

huge corporate backers like Walmart, Target, UPS, and Sprint.

Last year, the salvation army served over 25 million people, and

raised nearly three billion dollars in the United States. In Cleveland,

there are multiple Salvation Army locations, however, the most prominent

project is underway in East Cleveland. The Salvation Army is currently

building a ten million dollar community center to benefit all people,

no matter religious affiliation or lack thereof. The total Cleveland sector

is spending thirty-five million dollars at the different locations to expand

and renovate their facilities. They provide cheap clothing, adult rehabilitation,

Family shelters, and most human needs for the people of the city year-round.

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