

Due to the short time period available for Chrono Trigger’s localization, it was inevitable that inaccurate translations and errors in the script would appear between the two releases. At times, these issues would hurt players in their quest and their comprehension of events, not to mention influence their ideas and perceptions of specific characters in ways not previously witnessed in the Japanese script. At other moments, these errors took the forms of misspellings and grammatical problems for example, “Millenial” in the beginning of the game should have an extra “n.” It is also important to note that the combination of two words into one was widely practiced throughout the North American rendition, due in large part to visual space and limited internal storage capacity of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The following is a log of some of these alterations as the Japanese script was articulated to North American gaming communities.
Various instances of emotional distinction occur during both iterations of Chrono Trigger, many of these depicting characters as more angry than they are depicted in the Japanese script:
兄ちゃん達、ボクの家のタンスから出て来たよね……? なんで? どーして?

You guys came out of the bureau in my house...? Why? How?

Hey! Did you people just come out of the closet? Get outta here!

お、おまえらなあ、事もあろうに他人の家のタンスから出てくるとはどういうつもりだ? これだから人間ってヤツは……

Y-you guys, come on, what's the big idea, coming out of the bureau in a stranger's house? That's the trouble with humans...

Who do you think you are? Coming and going out of our closet at all hours. Scram!

Here the imps in the original appear to be more shocked than anything else, but the usage of “Scam!” and “Get outta here!” tell a completely different story, revealing that these imps feel threatened and actually angry at Crono and his friends. This is very similar to the treatment Magus gives Frog in the English script:
魔王「ほう……。 きさまがグランドリオンを……。 だが今度は他の者達が、足手まといにならねばいいがな。

The Demon King: Oh...? You have the Grandleon... But this time, it would be for the best if those not involved don't get in the way.

Magus: Ah...! The Masamune!!! I bet you're just dying to use it!

Instead of appearing to feel threatened as Magus is characterized, the Demon King shows a more manipulative nature and insinuates that Kaeru should be careful about fighting him, reminding Kaeru that his dear friend perished at his hand; the Demon King also stresses to Kaeru that the same could happen to his new friends if they were to face him. In fact, it is also clear that the powerful sword mentioned varies as well. Although the Masamune (「正宗」 Masamune) is based off of Japanese Priest Gorō Masamune (circa 1264–1343), who is widely recognized as Japan's greatest swordsmith, this cultural reference is interestingly a North American fabrication. Instead, like many other items and places, the Japanese script imbues them with vastly different names (a full list of these discrepancies can be found in the Lists section). The same manifestation of Japanese cultural fabrication (with the introduction of 「刺身」 sashimi) is also apparent in the following passage:
あなたの目に見えてる世界とアタシの目に見えてる世界とはまったくちがうものなのかもね。 いい? 宇宙は生命の数だけ存在するわ。 見えるもの、さわれるものだけが本当と思っちゃダメよ。

The world that you see with your eyes and the world that I see with my eyes may be completely different things. Got it? There are as many universes as lives. Don't think that only the things you can see and touch are the truth.

Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man... Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume that what you see and feel is real!
Besides the appearance of oddball translations, most of the time localization meant a loss of context and in some cases, gameplay hints and clues were omitted entirely, ultimately hindering the player and their tasks in certain areas of the video game:
ハイパーほしにく? ああ、遠い祖先が作ったらしいけどあたいはレシピがわかんないねえ。 今じゃパレポリの名物になってるよ。

Hyper Jerky? Oh right, I hear a distant ancestor made it, but I don't know the recipe. It's Palepoli's specialty now.

Jerky? Seems one of his ancestors first made it, but I don't know the recipe.

By omitting the final line from the Japanese script, it burdens the North American player by forcing them to search across the world map for the Jerky, instead of a specific location, like Palepoli. Below, like many other instances featuring the “Old Man,” helpful knowledge is mitigated in the English script:
老人「自分の時代の事なら お前さん達の中にも知っている者がおるじゃろう。 聞いてみるがいい……。 この星のあらゆる時代の人々いや、すべての生命の力をかりて戦うのじゃ……! でなければヤツは倒せん。 未来を変えるにはそれほどの大きなエネルギーが必要じゃ……。 この星の行くすえ…… 私はここで、ゆっくりと見物させてもらうよ……。

Old Man: I expect that there are those among you, as well, who know things concerning their own eras. You should try asking... Go into battle with the aid of all the people, no, of all the life from every era on our planet...! If you do not, you cannot beat IT. In order to change the future, you will need such a vast energy... Allow me to take my time here and observe... where our planet's future will lead...

OLD MAN: One of you is close to someone who needs help… Find this Just as you touch the lives of every life form you meet, so, too, will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win… I am sorry that I must simply witness the coming spectacle from my vantage point here...

“One of you is close to someone who needs help… Find this,” is unfortunately a mistranslation that confused many players, causing widespread speculation for many years  so much so that Nintendo even fabricated an incorrect answer, stating that this line was a reference to finding and saving Lara in Lucca’s sidequest. Instead, the player should talk to various characters to acquire more information, but with this revised depiction in the English script, North American players may feel the worry and urge to find this person that “needs help.” At another crucial moment, the “Old Man” is misinterpreted once again:
老人「ほ、やはりな。 はるか昔の人々はみなそういった力を持っていたもんじゃ。 そう、はるか昔……な。 お前さん達、何かとてつもない事をやらかそうというみたいじゃがまずはお前さん達の時代にもどってみてはどうかな……? 急がばまわれ…… ここにいると、そんな言葉の意味もよくわかってくるものじゃ……。 何かあったら、いつでも来なさい。 私がお前さん達の時間の道しるべになってやろう。

Old Man: Oh? Just as I thought. All the people of the distant past had such powers. Ah yes, the distant past... It looks as though you guys are about to go and perpetuate something unreasonable, but perhaps you should first try returning to your own era...? Less haste, more speed... Being here makes you quite familiar with the meaning of such words as those... If anything happens, come any time. I shall be a guide to time for you.

OLD MAN: Well, well! People who lived long ago ALL enjoyed such powers... Now, I know you are itching to go ripping back and forth through time, but first you need to return to your era. And you must hurry. The longer you remain here, the harder it will be to change that which must be changed... Stop by whenever you're in the area!

The “Old Man” in the Japanese iteration is not telling Crono and his friends to hurry actually he is stating quite the opposite. 「急がば回れ」 translates to the English proverb “less haste, more speed.” Without investigating and preparing carefully, the characters in the game have the potential of experiencing one of the worst endings (some of which involve Crono remaining dead). This is why it is extremely important for players to understand this concept, yet the following statement is muddied due to North American localization which happens yet again in the next passage:
老人「ほ、うまくいったようじゃな…… いやいや、私は何もしとらんよ。ただ、きっかけをあたえたにすぎん。かんしゃなら仲間達にするんじゃな。この兄ちゃんを思った仲間達にな。あの時をわたる翼もお前さん達を追って、ここに来とるぞ。あれも心を持っているのかもな……。

Old Man: Oh? It seems things went well... No, no, I did nothing. Just sent you in the right direction. Any thanks go to your teammates. Yes, those who cared about this boy. The Wings that Cross Time has also followed you and come here. It may have a mind of its own...

OLD MAN: So! Looks like you were successful! No, don't thank me. I didn't do a thing. I just gave you a place to begin… If you really want to thank me, make me a member of your team! By the way, the Wings of Time has come looking for you. It seems to have a heart and mind of it's own...
From the looks of it, the mistranslation involving making the “Old Man” a teammate was probably a confusion involving 「にする」 which can translate to "make [someone/something] into." However, because of the usage of an explicit plural 「仲間達」 "teammates", it does not make grammatical sense “make me your teammates.” Instead, there is an implied 「かんしゃ」 "thanks" during the first half of the sentence which precisely means “express thanks to teammates.” What is very interesting however, is the fact that the “Old Man,” later referred to as Gaspar, was at one time intended to be an eighth playable character. Early sketches from Akira Toriyama depict Gaspar in his Zeal robes, carrying a staff for battle.

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