People, Place, and Power in Eighteenth-Century Ghent

More Festival Books for Charles VI

Below are examples of publications similar to the Relation de l'Inauguration Solemnelle... created for Charles' entry into Ghent in 1717.

La joyeuse entrée de Charles VI in Bruxelles (1717)

On October 11 1717, a week before he would be celebrated as Count of Flanders in Ghent, Charles VI was recognized as Duc de Brabant and Limburg in the nearby city of Brussles. The festival book commemorating the event contains etchings representing the main locations where the event took place. Engravers who worked on these representations were the same as those who created the illustrations of the Ghent event. (cfr. Lebeer 1958).


Il festino della felicità (1720)

The London treatise of August 2, 1718 assigned Sicily to Charles VI, but only in May 1720 were Spanish troops finally forced to leave the island. In August, the Duke of Monteleone was finally able to acclaim Charles VI ‘l’austriaco Splendore’, as the king of Sicily.

Le simpatie della città di Messina (1720)

This festival book printed in 1720 in Messina celebrates the coronation of Charles VI as king of Spain and Sicily. The ceremony occurred in the same year the book was printed. The book contains illustrations made by local artists, as well as the lyrics of a Serenata a quattro voci performed in Messina for Charles VI. The lyrics had been put to music by D. Francesco Tozzi, Maestro di Cappella di questa nobile, Fedelissima ed Esemplare Città di Messina.

A digitized version of this festival book is also available from the Beinecke Library's Rare Book Collection at Yale University.


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