12017-09-08T12:11:21-07:00Brittany Lesar72b5381237db4e447fd2fda223491eab016f552f216422Walter Gregg, Sr., is shown in a morning new clipping days after the Mars Bluff bombing incident that destroyed his home on March 11, 1958. Gregg passed away on Sunday, July 21, 2013 at home. He was 92.plain2017-09-08T12:11:41-07:00Florence County MuseumImageBrittany Lesar72b5381237db4e447fd2fda223491eab016f552f
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12017-09-05T13:14:29-07:00Timea Balogha8e888c2850bb770a37479bd94c676943a4d85e4March 11, 1958 - Florence, South CarolinaRebecca Rodriguez13A B-47 bomber accidentally drops its payload, causing property damage and injuries at the impacted area following the explosionimage_header2017-10-18T12:52:28-07:00March 11, 195834.200900, -79.657029Rebecca Rodriguez59206d57722612f4633fde693438860bd48b59f8