Mapping Black São Paulo


The Afro-Brazilian writer Sacolinha started in 2017 a project that combined his interests in literacy, graffiti art, and public health to create Literatura e Paisagismo - Revitalizando a Quebrada (Literature and Landscapes - Revitalizing the Hood). The project began in his home neighborhood of Jardim Revista, which is located in the city of Suzano. The city is on the eastern outskirts of the greater São Paulo metropolitan region. He collaborated with graffiti artists to create murals in his neighborhood that included quotes from his books accompanied by visual art. The goal was to revitalize his neighborhood through art and literature so residents felt more pride in their local community. Sacolinha grew up being heavily influenced by hip hop culture in the 1990s and early 2000s, which is one of the main reasons he was drawn to the use of graffiti art for this project.

When each mural was created, Sacolinha and his team would also clean up the space around the wall where the mural was to be painted and planted a sapling, or small tree to introduce more green spaces into the community. Some of the mural creations were also accompanied by saraus, or spoken word events, where residents and artists would come together to share poetry, music, and literature as the mural was being painted. While Sacolinha is an accomplished writer, he wanted his written words to have an impact that went beyond the written page. In particular, he wanted the youth of his community to become more interested in literature, and the murals were one way to connect with them. 

The following short documentary was produced by Sacolinha that chronicles the first festival organized around the Literature and Landscapes project in 2018. While the project began in his neighborhood, it spread throughout Suzano and the greater São Paulo metropolitan region to include over 60 murals today. The documentary highlights some of the key murals created in his home community. 

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