This content was created by Anonymous. The last update was by Hannah Alpert-Abrams.
Archaeology of a Book: An experimental approach to reading rare books in archival contextsMain MenuIntroductionReading the First Books is an exploration of America's earliest printed booksPath: ProductionThis path explores the narratives of production embedded in the material qualities of the Advertencias.Path: CollectionPath describes the collection of early printed books in religious libraries across Mexico. 16-18th centuries.Path: AcquisitionPath describes the dispersal of early printed books in libraries and private collections beyond Mexican borders.Path: (Digital) FuturesBook history in a digital futureReferencesReferences, citations, and further readingTermsIndex of termsAuthorship & AcknowledgementsHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collection
Nameplate for Manual Arango Arias on a copy of the Advertencias
12015-03-24T07:40:30-07:00Anonymous43582Close-up shows a nameplate affixed to the front pastedown of an Advertencias exemplar. A circular frame reads “Manuel Arango Arias” over a laurel wreath, with Ex-Libris underneath. Inside is a shield in the shape of an open book divided in four pieces, each with an image. Clockwise from upper left, images are: 1. letters ABC 2. profile of a face 3. horizontal pen nib and 4. unclear, perhaps a paintbrush. Image also shows a manuscript note partially obscured by the nameplate. Pastedown suggests an early or original binding, and shows some wear including holes on the top. Exemplar is held by the Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavigero at the Universidad Iberoamericana.plain2015-05-10T07:35:11-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
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12015-12-12T15:59:28-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Media GalleryHannah Alpert-Abrams4Media from the "Archaeology of the Book" projectstructured_gallery1229762015-12-12T16:03:09-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255